Across caste, class, religion, ethnicity, abilities, disabilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, educational levels and occupation, we speak out:
Together For Equality, Dignity, Safety, Freedom And Employment!
This Women’s Day we come together to celebrate our solidarities and our resistance to the brazen patriarchal, casteist, communal and regressive forces that are operating with utter impunity in the country. Together we reaffirm our commitment to building a violence-free, just society.
Programme details:
We gather outside Gate 3 and 4 of Rajiv Chowk metro station at 11 AM and move together towards Jantar Mantar.
Come one, come all! Bring your placards, your buland awaaz, your daphalis and your songs..
**Nari Mukti Zindabad** **Nari Ekta Zindabad**
Hashtag: #8MarDelhi17
Bhor Foundation, Feminism in India, Jagori, Sangat, Sama, TARSHI, Saheli, Nirantar, AIDWA, AIPWA,
Joint Women's Programme, Kamkaji Mahila Samanvay Samiti (CITU), Nari Shakti Manch, NFIW, Purogami Mahila Sangathan,
Society for Labour and Development (SLD), Stree Mukti Sangathan, Swastika Mahila Samiti, YWCA, Action India, Azad Foundation, Domestic Workers Union, National Alliance of People’s Movements, Delhi Solidarity Group, Solidarity and Action Against The HIV Infection in India (SAATHII), RAHI Foundation, Shades Of Happiness Foundation.
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