We are happy to announce that the Aberdeen Feminist Society, LQBTQIA+ and the Creative Writing Society have come together for an evening of poetry slamming!
The event is held in the downstairs lounge of the Blue Lamp, and everyone is welcome - those performing get in for free while those would rather be in the audience pay an entrance fee of £2 to then be donated to a charity called "Room to Read", which you can read more about here: http://www.roomtoread.org/AboutUs
Everyone is free to "slam", however, the subject of the poem you have written/bought/borrowed/etc must be sent as a message to the Aberdeen Feminist Society Facebook Page - if you wish to participate please let us know through this event or send a quick email and we'll add you to the time slots.
© (Please beware of copyright issues regarding using a non-original piece!) ©
After the slammers have performed, there is a continued open mic night, where anyone is free to speak/perform/sing/play an instrument. If you know you would like to perform, please let us know.
There are various youtube clips on poetry slams around the world - watch, get inspired, and come on the 16th to inspire others on a safe platform! ⚧
Here is a quick guide to poetry slamming: http://www.powerpoetry.org/actions/how-write-slam-poetry
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