Join us around our ceremonial Sacred Fire, to promote healing and wellness in our local communities...a night when our words become prayer!
Sign up to perform 6:30-7:00pm.
Poets, musicians and artists around the world are planning individual events to take place simultaneously on Sept.29th 2012 in a demonstration/celebration of poetry, art and music to promote social, environmental, and political change…
Protocol: To protect the sanctity of the fire, all musicians, artists and poets are asked to refrain from using profanity.This is a continuation of a drug and alcohol free event. When entering the circle, walk in counter clockwise direction. Do not dispose of trash into fire. There are no photographs allowed of ceremonial offerings around the fire. Kuu'da wo hah! Thank you very much!
Evento importado por Usuaria antigua usando FbEventsImporter object (93) | hace 7 años, 1 mes |