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Eventos en Berlín en Enero del 2014
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Female Sexuality in the Orthodox Community: An Unorthodox Dialogue

El 7 Mayo 2012 19:00 - 22:00


We invite you to join JOFA and Eshel for a discussion of marginalized groups within Orthodoxy

May 7, 2012
from 7:00-9:00 PM
520 8th Ave, 4th floor
(between 36th and 37th Streets)

"Female Sexuality in the Orthodox Community: An Unorthodox Dialogue"
A Discussion of "Keep Your Wives Away From Them: Orthodox Women, Unorthodox Desires."

We welcome you to hear from several women, many of whom are contributions to the celebrated anthology "Keep Your Wives Away from Them: Orthodox Women, Unorthodox Desires," about their struggles and triumphs with sexuality in the Orthodox Community.

As a community who is charged with being a "light upon the nations," how do we ensure that we treat our own with sensitivity and kindness? What is the role of marginalized groups within the Orthodox community, and how must our community evolve and develop in order to create safe space for these individuals?

At Yeshiva University, the self-named "flagship institution of centrist Modern Orthodoxy," how can we create a dialogue about the future of a Modern Orthodox community that allows for the full involvement of LGBT individuals? What are our preconceived notions about homosexuality in the Jewish community? How do we fight homophobia in all of its forms? What are our duties as Jews and as humans in the service of these marginalized peoples?

While there is much conversation about the state of men and homosexuality at Yeshiva University, women are often excluded from this conversation. Please join us as we inculcate women in this crucial conversation.

This event is open to both men and women.

This event is part of the JOFA Campus Fellowship Program, and was developed by JOFA's Fellow at the Stern College for Women.

The Hadassah Foundation has provided generous support for the implementation of the JOFA Campus Fellowship.


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