Events Ocean extends an enthusiastic and sincere welcome to the GLOBAL NURSING CONFERENCE & EXPO ’18. The conference is to materialize on September 13-14, 2018 in the cosmopolitan city of Dubai, UAE. The theme of the conference is “Combining multi-cultural collective practices to bolster Nursing & Healthcare.”
Nursing-2018 is an incredible event designed for the Global professionals to promote the promulgation and application of research findings related to Nursing. The conference appeals to participants from all prominent universities, research institutions and top companies to share their research wisdom on all aspects of this rapidly expanding field. It is a scientific podium to meet fellow key decision makers from various Nursing Organizations, Academic Institutions, Industries, & Healthcare Related Institutes etc., and shaping the conference to a perfect podium to impart and gain the knowledge in the field of Nursing.
eventsocean änderte die Veranstaltung , Änderungsgeschichte | 6 Jahre, 9 Monate her |
eventsocean erzeugte die Veranstaltung | 6 Jahre, 9 Monate her |