【2018 台灣女性大遊行】
2017 是性別平權深具指標性的一年。在台灣,大法官宣布同志婚姻不再違憲;在美國,從好萊塢開始的 #MeToo 運動讓女性性騷擾的普遍開始被正視;在國際社會,也有越來越多女性登上不同領域領導者的位置...
團體報名👉 https://goo.gl/forms/3tBKkhV5SfJ3iOoI2
台北市,中正紀念堂 自由廣場前集合
中正紀念堂自由廣場 ▹ 紅坊國際村
( 將沿著信義路行走,終點TAF 空總創新基地內的紅坊國際村將有慶祝國際婦女節的小舞台)
4:30p.m. 自由廣場牌樓前集合
6:00-7:00 p.m. 婦女節慶祝活動
【2018 Women's March in Taiwan】
From the denial of same-sex marriage as unconstitutional in Taiwan to the rise of the #Metoo movement that addresses the prevalence of sexual harassment, there are many essential events for women’s rights and gender equality from around the world this year.
However is gender equality achieved? “She wears provacative clothes. No wonder she was sexually assaulted.” “Women don’t belong in this field.” These are examples of discrimination women may face everyday.
In a massive outpouring of support for women’s rights and the right of all people to freedom and justice, millions worldwide participated in the Women’s Marches which started in 2017. In Taiwan we too recognize that “women’s rights are human rights, and human rights are women’s rights,” and the need to step it up for gender equality. We are inviting diverse communities, including women’s organizations, environmental groups, civil liberties organizations and all who support gender equality, to join the march!
On 2018 International Women's Day, March 8th, let’s raise our voice again, to act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and march for equality!
▲To Participate
Group/Organization Registration👉
(Please complete this for before March 1st)
We aim to raise awareness that women’s rights are human rights, regardless of a woman’s race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual identity, gender expression, economic status, age or disability status. We practice and develop empathy in learning about each other’s intersecting identities. Our solidarity is based on Women’s March’s unity principles (https://www.womensmarch.com/principles/).
This year, let’s march to eliminate gender inequality and all forms of discrimination to create a safe and inclusive environment for all.
Assemble at CKS Memorial Hall, Taipei City, Taiwan.
March begins. Parade from CKS Memorial Hall to Red Room near ZhongXiaoFuXing metro station.
6:00pm (Estimated)
End march at Red Room and celebrate with advocates, artists, entertainers, and civic leaders.
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