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Girls Rock! Awards 2018

In The Maine Girls' Academy, Portland (ME), Vereinigte Staaten
Am 2. März 2018 17:30 - 20:00


Join Hardy Girls Healthy Women National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman, and Moxie Maine Magazine for a night of celebrating six Maine girls for their personal, academic, athletic, humanitarian and straight-up awesome achievements at our annual Girls Rock! Awards on Friday, March 2 at The Maine Girls' Academy. This catered ceremony is one of Hardy Girls Healthy Women’s biggest fundraisers for its annual programming that cultivates positive girl culture and supportive communities through workshops and action projects.

The ceremony’s keynote speaker Amanda Gorman was named the inaugural National Youth Poet Laureate of the United States in April 2017. She was also the inaugural Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles, and was invited to the White House by Michelle Obama, The Poetry Foundation, The Library of Congress, Hot 97, and gave numerous readings across the United States.

Award categories:
- Title IX Champion
- Against the Odds Advocate
- Health Promoter
- Community Organizer
- STEM-gineer
- Entrepreneur

Nominate a girl to win an award here: http://bit.ly/nominate-a-girl

Support Maine girls by purchasing your $40 ticket today. We anticipate a larger crowd this year, and we can't wait to see you there!

Thank you to our sponsors:
Moxie Maine Magazine
Coffee By Design
iBec Creative
Planson International Corporation
Bangor Savings Bank

#GirlsRockAward2018 #GRA2018 #AmandaGorman #HardyGirlsHealthyWomen #MaineGirlsAcademy



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