In Leimert Park, there is a real need for us to build the capacity of our community in order to support each other in the event of an emergency. We’re especially inspired by the work of the autonomous brigades and grassroots disaster relief collectives that have rescued survivors and initiated mutual aid recovery projects when the state and bureaucratic relief agencies were slow or unresponsive. As the inadequate government responses to Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, and Maria have shown, it’s not in our best interest to place faith in state institutions to save us. Instead at this workshop, we intend to begin building a mutual aid support network that can prepare members of our community for the prospect of an emergency as well as provide relief and support after a disaster strikes. "If we stay ready, we ain't gotta get ready!"
At the event, we will also be holding an Anti-Gentrification Free Store & Free Community Dinner. The praxis behind the Free Store is solidarity, not charity. This means take what you need from the space and share what you no longer use without expecting something in return. #DisasterPreparedness #MutualAid #SolidarityNotCharity #FreeStore
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