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Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage


Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage
Javaskript aktivieren für die Karte

Smashing Patriarchy: Healing and Building for Our Liberation

In Justice Center en El Barrio, New York City (NY), Vereinigte Staaten
Am 17. Dezember 2017 12:00 - 18:00




Patriarchy manifests itself throughout society and is amplified through cultural norms. From second-rate treatment in the workplace to domestic, economic and sexual violence, a common thread connects them all--the system that produces such suffering is: capitalism. Capitalism exploits and oppresses us for the sake of profit limiting our access to adequate healthcare, affordable housing, equal pay and so on.

In the words of the incredible black revolutionary Assata Shakur, "It is our duty to fight for our freedom, it is our duty to win. We must love and support one another, we have nothing to lose but our chains!"

But how can we fight back when we are still healing? And how we can fight back when we live under the boot of oppression every moment of our lives? Assata said it best - we must love and support one another with an understanding that doing so is a necessity in performing our ultimate duty: fighting for the liberation of our people.

Join us for a powerful day of community-building, political discussion, and uplifting activities at the Justice Center en El Barrio on Saturday December 17th at noon. Get ready to read, write, speak out, dance, and much more!

We will provide refreshments like coffee, tea, and snacks but we are asking everyone to contribute for a potluck meal at the end of day. Please wear comfortable clothing as the agenda will include a self-defense game and dance activity.

*NOTE: this workshop is intended for those who identify as women, femmes, and non-binary*



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