In 2018 The Netherlands has to report to what extent it is meeting the obligations set out in the Istanbul convention preventing and combating violence against women. Time to reflect: how does international law affect the implementation of measures regarding gender based violence? In this symposium international experts will critically reflect on current developments and future directions.
Violence against women is one of the most common violations of women’s human rights. According to the World Health Organization at least one in three women worldwide experience one or more serious physical and/or sexual violent incidents during their lifetime, often from an intimate partner or ex-partner. In the Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention, violence against women has been recognized under international human rights law as a violation of human rights. According to the convention, it is the duty of governments to protect women as citizens against this violence and, above all, to prevent it. A historic milestone. In 2018 The Netherlands will have to report to what extent it is meeting those obligations. It is timely to reflect on the meaning of the convention.
To which extent does international law affect domestic implementation in the domain of policy and legal measures regarding gender based violence? Which future directions should be prioritized?
Among others:
Rosa Freedman (Professor of Law, Conflict and Global development, University of Reading)
Rashida Manjoo (Professor International Human Rights Law, University of Cape Town, and former UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women)
Elizabeth Odio Benito (Former Minister of Justice Costa Rica, former judge of the International Criminal Court)
Renée Römkens (Professor Gender Based Violence, University of Amsterdam / Atria director)
Rosa Logar (Member of the GREVIO monitoring committee of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention)
Fleur van Leeuwen (Senior affiliated researcher Atria, research on human rights and gender based violence)
Ineke Boerefijn (Coordinating policy advisor Netherlands Institute for Human Rights)
More information about the program can be found on Atria's website:
The symposium fee of €75,- and a SPECIAL FEE OF €25,- FOR STUDENTS and PhD's, includes lunch and network reception.
The symposium is organized by Atria - Institute on Gender equality and women’s history, in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, and with support of the International Office of the Municipality of Amsterdam.
Tickets can be purchased via:
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