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Wednesday Talks | What is Feminism?

In New Kings, Room NK7, University of Aberdeen
Am 27. September 2017 17:00 - 19:00


1:the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2:organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests” (via Mirriam-Webster Dictionary)

But we’re more than just a definition, aren’t we?

Let’s kick off this year’s Wednesday Talks with a very relaxed, personal discussion about what feminism means to us. All movements, views and personalities are welcome: are you a gender theorist interested in dismantling the patriarchy? How do you feel about modern feminist movements in general, do you identify with any at all? Or maybe you’re just starting your feminist journey and would like to find out more?

Shy and quiet folks, no worries! No one has to talk unless they want to, listeners are welcome as well! We will also split into small groups to make the event as comfortable as possible 😊



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