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Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage


Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage
Javaskript aktivieren für die Karte

Sit-in to STOP TrumpCare - Lexington

In Senator Mitch MC Connell, Lexington (KY), Vereinigte Staaten
Am 6. Juli 2017 11:00 - 22:00


We’re mobilizing to stop the GOP healthcare bill in its tracks. On Thursday, July 6th—during the 4th of July recess when Senators return to their home states—there will be sit-ins at Senate offices across the country demanding Republican Senators vote NO on the bill.

In addition to RSVPing on this facebook event, sign up on the national event page link below...
SIGN UP TO JOIN A SIT-IN: bit.ly/SignUpSitIn

Please strongly consider watching one of their training webinars...

The so-called “Better Care Reconciliation Act” introduced in the Senate would take away health insurance from 22 million working, poor, and disabled Americans, gut Medicaid by almost $800 billion, and provide a massive tax cut for the wealthiest 2% of the population. The passage of this bill means that thousands of middle-class and poor people will die so that the rich can get richer.

Inspired by ADAPT’s courageous nonviolent sit-ins last week targeting Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, we believe greater nonviolent direct action is called for to elevate the impact and unpopularity of the healthcare bill within the media and to pressure Republican Senators to vote NO on the bill.

#AllOfUs, Democracy Spring, Democratic Socialists of America, Our Revolution, The People's Consortium, and Progressive Democrats of America are working together to organize, coordinate, and support sit-ins at Senate offices across the country on Thursday, July 6th. We will target as many Republican Senators as possible with a common demand that they vote NO on the Better Care Reconciliation Act.

Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Our country needs single-payer, Medicare for All that leaves no one out. But right now we must do everything we can to defend the tens of millions who will suffer if Trumpcare passes. If ordinary people rise up and demonstrate that this bill is morally unacceptable, if we put our own bodies and liberties on the line to show our neighbors that human lives are stake, we have a real shot at stopping this bill from becoming law.



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