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Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage


Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage
Javaskript aktivieren für die Karte

Queer Zine-Making and Crafting!

In Feminist Library, London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Am 10. Juni 2017 10:00 - 14:00


That’s right, it's a crafternoon, but in the morning.

A chance to sit round a table with a bunch of lovely people and chat about life, work on some projects, bring your own knitting/cross-stitch/badge making/paper/pens/snacks etc. I myself will be collaging my very first zine and yes you can borrow my scissors.

It’ll be a very chill event, for people who want to pull up a chair and get stuck in as opposed to looking for a workshop/teacher. That being said, if you have a crafting skill and wanna share, bring it! There'll be people who might love to learn how to do that thing.

The lovely Feminist Library team have let us have their big meeting room to spread out in. They ask for a donation of £3 (or more if you can afford it!) to help support them, or a tiny bit more if like me you will be using the photocopier a lot. If this would be a barrier to you coming then have a private word with me beforehand- no-one will be turned away for lack of funds!

The location is The Feminist Library, near Waterloo and Elephant & Castle stations. There is a lift that reaches pavement level and they would like people to let them know in advance if they need to use this entrance so they can prepare it (open the shutter). Otherwise there are 5 steps from the main door to the lift. Let me know if you have any other access requirements and I can ask for more info/put you in contact with them.

This event is for queer women, trans and non-binary people, all of whom have amazing hair and at least one denim jacket each.




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