A noon and night of Berliner Tropication:
Warm beats & elektropicalia on the most lovely rooftop of Berlin!
Tropicalizing sounds by:
16h - DJ Obstsalat (tropical chill, folklore electronico)
18h - DJ AIWAA (ethnic mystic & shamanic sounds)
20h San Ima *Concert (Broken Bossa, Musica ImPOPular Brasiworld)
22h - DJ Tropikal Camel (Middle Eastern/North African futurism)
WhAAt AbOut the MuSiK??
*San Ima (Band)
San Ima is a band which vacillates between cultures. Musicians not from here, not from there; melodies longing for Brazil, inspired by everywhere; hearts housed In Berlin. San Ima is globalizing Broken Bossa, a kiss between MPB and the world; a cocktail of sunshine with snow topping.
*Tropikal Camel (DJ)
The Tropikal Camel is a sonic journey into the urban sound of middle eastern/North African futurism. A original fusion between traditional Arabic music with cutting edge electronic sounds. mixing the past and the future, melting the sounds of Kurdistan and Morocco, Jerusalem and Berlin.
*AIWAA is a cult that tries to connect the mystical, the spiritual, the earth, the arts and the love. As a lover of organic and electronic music, AIWAA produces fusions of electronic, ethnic and mystical sounds that are influenced by the Oriental, Indian & Andean culture. With its seducing electronic textures he creates music not only for dancing but also for healing.
Veranstaltung eingepflegt mit dem Importer FbEventsImporter object (7) von Julia Brenner | 7 Jahre, 3 Monate her |