Join us for the 4th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium & Graduation Celebration!
Friday, April 28th 2017 | RM 50B Humphrey | 8:30AM – 4:00PM
Please RVSP at
8:30am - Registration & Refreshments
9:00am - Welcome & Opening Address – Dr. Richa Nagar, GWSS Interim Chair.
9:15am - Panel 1 - Species, Spaces, and Symbioses: Toward Feminisms of Nature and the Nonhuman – Presentations by Kaochi Pha, Lucia Skinner, & Hale Williams. Moderated by Dr. Michelle Garvey.
10:10am - Panel 2 - Disentangling Institutional Racism – Presentations by Elise Armani, Abigail Floy, Johanna Heegeman, & MacKenzie Weller. Moderated by Dr. Sima Shakhsari.
11:20am - Panel 3 - Engaging Youth: Identity, Action, & Society – Presentations by Ashlyn Evans, Christina Jensen, Jenna Landry, & Anita Vue. Moderated by Dr. Lorena Muñoz.
12:20pm - Lunch Provided - RSVP Required.
1:00pm - Panel 4 - Identities and Subcultures: Movements through Space and Time – Presentations by Clemesha Grayer, Neno Miller, Kendall Witaszek, & Haojun Zhang. Moderated by Dr. Aren Aizura.
2:10pm - Panel 5 - “Reproducing” Bodies: Questions of Health & Gender – Presentations by Helen McCullough, Jessica Minnerath, & Patricia Weisman. Moderated by Dr. Annie Hill.
3:00pm - Awards & Recognitions: A GWSS Celebration – Presented by Dr. Tracey Deutsch, GWSS Director of Undergraduate Studies.
For accommodations or questions about access, please email Angela at
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