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Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
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Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
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Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage
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Meer dan Muze: Imagining and capturing resistance

In Atria, kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis, Amsterdam, Niederlande
Am 8. März 2017 20:00 - 22:00


On March 8, Framer Framed, Atria, kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis, and Amsterdam Museum are collaborating for a discussion event as part of Meer dan Muze ("More than Muse", a Mama Cash-led initiative to highlight female makers on International Women's Day.
[Dutch below]

[UPDATE: 20:30 start program! From 20:00 walk-in with coffee & tea]

Imagining and capturing resistance
A sea of pink pussy hats and protest signs. Worldwide, people protested the inauguration of President Donald Trump: the Women's March.

During this program we will look at the activist as creative maker and address the importance of imagination, representation, and the capturing and archiving of protest.

We will engage in conversation with a few makers, reflecting on their work and how they relate to the contemporary political climate. How can we organise ourselves in a meaningful, inclusive and effective way to enact resistance?

Met pussyhats en originele protestborden de straat op. In reactie op de inauguration van President Donald Trump, is er wereldwijd protest: de Women’s March.

Tijdens dit programma bekijken we de activist als creatieve maker en gaan we in op het belang van de verbeelding, het vastleggen en het archiveren van protest.

Daarnaast gaan we met een aantal makers in gesprek over hun werk en hoe zij zich verhouden tot het huidige politieke klimaat. Hoe kunnen we ons op een betekenisvolle, inclusieve en effectieve manier organiseren om tot verzet te komen?

✦ Gluklya (Natalya Pershina-Yakimanskaya)
Artist who lives and works in Russia and the Netherlands. In her projects, Gluklya uses conceptualized clothes as a tool to build a connection between art and everyday life. Her work points to hidden tactics that people might invent, with the help of the artist, to empower themselves and navigate through structures of repression.
✦ Imara Limon
Curator & public programmer at the Amsterdam Museum, where she curated the exhibition ‘Black Amsterdam’ in 2016. Her way of decolonising collections and narratives is by infiltrating in the institution, as activist, and collaboratively initiate these processes.
✦ vreer verkerke
How do demonstrations find their way in history..? verkerke is initiator and namegiver of Queer Collective De Noodles, founded in 2001. On 31 March, they will donate the Trans Pride flag from the Noodles collective to the Amsterdam Museum.
✦ Tashina Blom
Studies Cultural Analyis (rMA) at the UvA and was active during the 2015 Maagdenhuis Occupation. She is currently working on an archive on the occupation and also works as a research assistant at UvA's Commitee of Diversity, led by Prof. Gloria Wekker.
✦ Clarice Gargard
Journalist, presenter and publicist. She is well known as presenter for AT5, and currently works for Joop (BNNVARA) and publishes at, amongst others, de Correspondent, Vice and NRC Next about (American) politics, emancipation and identity politics regarding ethnicity, gender and sexual identity.

✦ Moderator: Seada Nourhussen
Africa-editor and columnist at Trouw, and commentator at Buitenhof. In 2011 her book 'Bloedmobieltjes, Coltan in Congo' was published. She has written essays for scientific journals, NRC and the books “Dit boek gaat niet over mode', 'WTF! Volwassen worden na elf september' and 'Weg uit Babylon'. Nourhussen is often speaker or interviewer at debates and events.

UPDATED: Program
20:00 - 20:30: Doors open, coffee & tea
20:30: Kick-off: intro by Atria director Renée Römkens
20:35: Presentation Gluklya
21:00: Start panel discussion(s)

Location: Atria
Entry: Donations at door
Language: English

Registration: https://www.atria.nl/en/calendar/imagining-and-capturing-resistance

Event part of Meer dan Muze. More info: www.meerdanmuze.nl



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