In response to Sonia Boyce’s exhibition We move in her way, Sorryyoufeeluncomfortable invite participants to the ICA to engage in an open dialogue around the notion of opacity and the following questions: What conscious, or subconscious, expectations do we have of Black artists? How can opacity be a praxis of liberation for Black creativity, expressivity and activism?
This workshop will explore the meaning of opacity as “the right to not have to be understood on others’ terms, a right to be misunderstood if need be”, by looking specifically towards Edouard Glissant's defence of the opacity, obscurity and inscrutability of Blackness.
Sorryyoufeeluncomfortable are a group of thinkers, makers, and activists of mixed interests. We are committed to the investigation of our society’s many inequalities, and do this through hosting events, conversations, exhibitions and through our critical writing, publications and art work. We are united by a vehement rejection of the idea that we are living in a post-racial, post-patriarchal, post-heteronormative and post-colonial society and a desire for liberation.
As ICA Learning Associates, sorryyoufeeluncomfortable will be putting together a small print publication documenting their ongoing events at the ICA and would welcome contributions from those who attend in visual, written or abstract printable form. Please submit your contributions and responses here:
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