Emanating from the hallowed halls of Bureau B, Die Wilde Jagd play their very own form of “hunting music”. A hypnotic dance, a tour de force.
Booming tom-toms and mediaeval flutes herald the start of the hunt. Whispered chants conjure up the spirits of the woods, while the trampling of hooves binds these disparate elements to the driving beat and bass.
Before the live show, SpatzHabibi will be reciting a muddle of seemingly unrelated stories and thereafter we're delighted to invite Andrei Rusu to sound his hand-carved horn.
Die Wilde Jagd (Bureau B) *LIVE*
Andrei Rusu (Khidja)
Spatzhabibi (Polychrome Sounds)
Veranstaltung eingepflegt mit dem Importer FbEventsImporter object (7) von Julia Brenner | 7 Jahre, 3 Monate her |