In this interactive workshop, we'll take a look at life as a story, with you as the author and editor and work through an arsenal of questions to help you clarify what your aspirational self looks like. We’ll address what do you do when you don’t see any bridges to take you where you want to be and break things down into approachable steps so you can make progress toward building your next chapter.
Levina is a storyteller, strategist, and startup advisor whose projects range from restructuring 100-year-old brands to raising awareness for world-leading non-profits. Over the past 10 months, she's been to 23 (and counting) cities to talk about and uncover what drives people to be great and how we can all grow together.
Veranstaltung eingepflegt mit dem Importer FbEventsImporter object (107) von Ehemalige Nutzerin | 7 Jahre, 1 Monat her |