Women peacemakers from South Korea, Japan and United States will share how women are actively working across national boundaries for peace and the reunification of Korea.
On May 24, 2015 thirty women peacemakers from around the world crossed the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) from North to South Korea calling for the end of Korean War that has divided three generations of Korean families. They walked with 10,000 Korean women on both sides of the DMZ and held peace symposia in Pyongyang and Seoul.
Come learn about this historic women’s peace crossing and the continuing work of Women Cross DMZ and its allies in charting a path for peace on the Korean peninsula, including their latest women’s peace convening in Indonesia amid heightened tensions. Known as the Forgotten War, the 1950-53 Korean War claimed 4 million lives and ended with a cease-fire. The absence of a peace treaty has left Korea in a state of war, which has led to militarization and repression on both sides of the DMZ.
Learn more here: http://peacewomen.org/node/93332
We hope to see you there!
Co-hosted by: Women Cross DMZ and United Methodist
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