In 2000, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security. Over the past fifteen years, it has become the focal point for the galvanizing worldwide efforts to address the many challenges women face in conflict. In 2013, the Security Council passed Resolution 2122, requesting that the Secretary-General commission the report: A Global Study on the Implementation of Resolution 1325.
This conference will explore the dimensions to practical implementation of the global study recommendations. The day will be organized in two panels: The first panel will discuss activities local activists are engaged in and the emerging issues since 1325 was passed. The second panel will explore holistic set of measures needed for concrete, practical implementation which spans: consistent implementation by the Security Council, new financing, accountability, and targeted measures to address obstacles and create incentives for women’s participation. Both panels will touch on the convening themes:
The undermining of women’s participation by the closing civic space and attacks on women’s human rights defenders.
Approaches to address and prevent the root causes of conflict and militarization through a gender analysis.
Civil Society support for women’s leadership, participation and rights in all efforts to prevent, reduce and counter terrorism and violent extremism.
Learn more here:
We hope to see you there!
Co-hosted by: WILPF, MADRE, AWID, and NW
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