BME Film Screenings with Cinema for All.
In conjunction with Cinema for All, we are screening 4 fabulous films which are chosen by some of the diverse women’s groups we work with. These films are not screened in mainstream cinema therefore this a rare opportunity to watch these films in a women only and relaxed environment.
Provoked (15)
Provoked is based on a true story of Kiranjeet Ahluwlaia who was sentenced in England in 1989 for the first degree murder of her physically abusive husband. When in prison she was interviewed by a women’s activist group who asked how she felt. Her answer was she felt FREE. In prison her cellmate, an English women becomes her close friend. She taught Kirnajeet English, and when she heard her harrowing story, she was so moved that she promised to help her with the appeal. The plight of this woman was brought to the notice of the British Media by the untiring efforts of some women activist of Southhall Black Sisters.
The inspiring story of this Asian women changed the case law in the English Courts. The film will be followed by an informal discussion and refreshments will be provided.
Language: Punjabi and English – Subtitles
This screening event is suitable for 16+ and open for women only.
Friday 16th October, 7pm to 9.30pm
Glasgow Women's Library
This event is free to attend and you can book below on our website or you can call us on 0141 550 2267. Bookings can be made through our website at the event page:
Our BME Film Screenings with Cinema for All continue at the library this Autumn.
I am a Girl (15): Thursday 26th November, 11.30am to 2pm
In I am a Girl we meet girls from around the world as they come of age in the way their culture dictates. We see remarkable heart-warming stories of resilience, bravery and humor in this film which acknowledges that being born a girl means you are more likely to be subjected to violence, disease, poverty and disadvantage than any other group.
Bliss (15): Tuesday 8th December, 7pm to 9.30pm
Set amidst Turkey’s natural wonders, Bliss is a riveting tale about love, honour, freedom and redemption.
See all the films screening at Glasgow Women's Library during the current programme via this link:
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