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Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage


Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Jazz in Berlin
Veranstaltungen in Berlin im Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen innerhalb von 500 km um Berlin
Veranstaltungen am 31. Januar 2014
Veranstaltungen mit den Schlagworten Umwelt und Konferenz
Veranstaltungen mit dem Schlagwort Mathematik oder Philosophie
Veranstaltungen, zu denen die Nutzerin Amanda kommt
Veranstaltungen, bei denen du Amanda triffst
Nächstgelegene Veranstaltungen zu den Koordinaten 52,13 in den nächsten 2 Tage
Javaskript aktivieren für die Karte

Ladies DJ Workshop- August Edition, Free Play!


We're in our 3rd month of our beginner's DJ workshop series. Some of you bought gear, some of you have learned some skills, all of you will need lots and lots of hands on time practicing!

This month's session will begin with a basic intro, and then the rest of the time will be free play! We'll have different stations setup for you, and you can come and go on each station and practice! DJs will be at each station to get you setup and show you how to get started. If you have gear, bring it in and we can help you work with it! Let us know ahead of time so we can make sure to have sound setup for you.

BEGINNERS: If this will be your first workshop, we'll have a station setup for you as well. We'll do a run through of the equipment and a basic DJ setup, as well as teach you cueing, looping and beat matching. It will be lots of hands on for you too!

Again, no experience necessary, but this class is designed for serious students only. $10 per student. 21+ only

If you have any friends that might be interested please invite them!

**Don't forget, we will again have an afterparty for the students + friends/ family (21+) after the workshop 10-2 with an all female lineup, drink specials and the infamous Jameson Cupcakes! Stay and party with us if you can!



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