Borders and Barriers: Health and Justice for Immigrants Now!
Join us during our Latina Week of Action at our plática/ dialogue on how immigration is a reproductive justice issue. We will discuss how the new immigration reform and Obama Care remove immigrant people's right and access to health care. What does this mean for Latin@s, families, and immigrant communities?
The event will take place on Thursday, August 8th from 5:30-8PM
Little Casa
2009 E. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90033
(Little Casa is located just 3 blocks west of the Soto St. Metro Gold Line Station and street parking is available)
5:30 - light dinner
6:00 - dialogue
This event is FREE and open to everybody.
Follow our live tweet chat during the event at #ImmigrationIsRJ
For more information, please email or call 213-270-5258 and ask for Jocelyn.
RSVP here:
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