Women who speak out for their rights in militarized
and patriarchal societies face high level of threats
and violence. This event will open your eyes to the role
of arms. Arms increases the risk of lethal violence against
women and facilitate sexual and gender based violence.
Learn about how women’s organisations use resolution
1325 to make the link between violence against women,
insufficient arms control, and women’s economic and
political rights.
Joy Onyesoh WILPF Nigeria;
Annie Matundu WILPF DRC,
Adilia Caravaca WILPF Costa Rica and
president WILPF International
Nina Ferrer WILPF Colombia
Facilitator: Josefine Karlsson WILPF Sweden
WILPF is organizing and supporting numerous key events during CSW. Speaking at several of our events will be WILPF members, joining us from around the world and sharing their perceptions on women's issues within their country's context. Events include panel discussions, movie screenings, and interactive dialogues.
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